Four prisoners were hanged on drug-related charges at Orumiyeh Central Prison. The prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement a day before their execution.

Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) has identified these four detainees as Hassan Bashooki, Asqar Ranjbar, Hedayat Shirzad and Alireza Zarei.

Hedayat Shirzad, from Orumiyeh, arrested 7 years ago on charges of carrying 250 kilograms of morphine.
Hassan Bashuki, from Naqadeh, arrested 5 years ago on charges of carrying and storing 20 kilograms of morphine.
Asghar Ranjbar, from Orumiyeh, served 5 years in prison.
Alireza Zarei, from Tehran, arrested on charges of carrying and storing 60 kilos of morphine.

The national media have not announced the news of execution of these four prisoners.